Thanks to everyone who submitted feedback.
Now we wait! But we will still be busy with the campaign

Join Our Campaign To Protect Morley Village From 50 Metre Pylons

The National Grid Electricity Transmission proposal (NGET) is proposing to build a new 60km overhead electricity line from Chesterfield to Willington. Part of this proposal is to route these lines through and around Morley Village using 50m pylons with one pylon sited every 330 metres. We are an action group working together to STOP THE PYLONS.

The National Grid’s Proposal

The National Grid are wanting to upgrade their system by erecting huge pylons on route from Chesterfield to Willington.

The National Grid is proposing to undertake a project that involves destroying our countryside and posing a threat to the local wildlife. This has raised concerns among the community and environmentalists alike.

How You Can Help

We have formed a group to raise awareness of the issue and form an organised objection to these plans.

Stop The Pylons Derbyshire

Responding to Stage 1 of National Grids Consultation

The Stage 1 Consultation is now closed.
Thank you to all who gave National Grid their feedback.

You can still contact your MP, County Councillors and Borough Councillors


What Else You Can Do To Help

If you wish to provide additional support to our campaign there are various things you can do:

Write letters to both borough and county councillors as well as your MP.

Follow the various other campaign groups across the UK on Social Media.

Stop The Pylons Banners Are Now Available for Purchase

These can be purchased for at £35 each.

The measurements are 2m x 1m

To order please message us via Facebook in the Stop The Pylons Derbyshire or call us on 07365 426008

We welcome any donations towards the costs of running the campaign
such as our website and general ongoing expenses

Account Name: Stop The Pylons Morley
Account Number: 04182329
Sort Code: 30-97-51